We would like you to know how much we appreciate all the care and concern you have shown our daughter Sarah over the past couple of years.
Sarah has always been “sick” in the winter months. She had continual sinus infections; one right after another. In the winter of 2005, Sarah had 8 sinus infections; the antibiotics were not working anymore, not to mention all the side effects that come with taking antibiotics on a continual basis. Sarah started with your care in winter of 2006, and during this time period she had 4 sinus infections. We saw this as a drastic improvement and the best news, winter of 2007, no sinus infections! We cannot express how relieved, happy and satisfied we are with your care. Who would have thought that chiropractic care can have that great of an impact on sinus problems?
Thank you for your care, your great attitude and your genuine interest in our children.
Patient’s MotherThank you so much for what you’ve done recently to improve my health. For the first time in years I am able to travel without the back pain that I usually suffer from when I’m in a car or plane for any length of time. What a difference that makes in my enjoyment of travel that I never thought would be possible again.
I’ve also had such limitations in my range of motion that my dentist said I’d need to be sedated to have my teeth cleaned since I couldn’t open my jaw wide enough for them to do the work. After just a few of your treatments I was able to have that procedure done in their office without any difficulty. They were so amazed at the progress I’d made in such a short time and so am I.
You are the Greatest!
Mary Kay
PatientI would like to express my sincere gratitude to you. Our daughter Hannah is a completely different person since she has been receiving your treatment. She came to you with difficulty walking due to her hip going out of place. Seeing a 6 year old girl sad and crying due to not being able to run or sit comfortably is very heartbreaking as a parent. We had her spine checked at Children’s Hospital and they told us she was fine, nothing was wrong that could explain her hip pain and discomfort. After your treatment and caring attitude she is doing wonderful. Her attitude has changed; she is a happy young girl again, with no pain or discomfort. She enjoys all her normal physical activities again; running, jumping, swinging – all the things a child should be able to do. She also thinks you are just great. You have a special way with children that shows in your treatment and interaction with them.
Thank you again!
Patient’s MotherI was in a car accident a few years ago. I started getting really bad headaches, one a month. I thought nothing of it. I just took ibuprofen. Then gradually the headaches increased. I was getting them once a week. I never went to any doctors. I just dealt with the pain. I met Dr. Boyd and started getting adjustments. I have not had a headache in 5 weeks! I feel so much better. My range of motion has increased! I can actually look in my backseat without turning my whole body! I wish I would have met Dr. Boyd a long time ago!
PatientPrior to my seeing Dr. Boyd I had 4 major surgeries and approx. 6 minor surgeries. I could no longer have any more surgeries due to scar tissue. I relied on many pain medications and muscle relaxants to do my job and every day activities.
In 6 months, Dr. Boyd and his practice have taken away nearly 100% of my pain in my left leg and lower back. Also giving me almost full range of motion back. I thought I would be on strong and addictive pain medications for the rest of my life. I no longer need to take any pain pills or muscle relaxants.
Dr. Boyd’s therapy saved me in many different ways and I can’t thank Dr. Boyd and his staff enough!
PatientAfter two years of uncertainty, suffering from pain and depression and feeling overall sick, I gave up on my medical doctor who could not find the problems and only recommended pain pills and antidepressants as a solution. I did not know where to turn and I was feeling desperate. Fortunately, I mentioned my affliction to a client who is a holistic doctor and she pointed out that I might have a back problem. She was the one who finally steered me in the right direction: she referred me to Dr. Boyd!
Dr. Boyd listened to me, x-rayed me, told me what to do to get better, and then I did what he said. I followed his program to the letter. Now I feel like a new man. The nerves through my middle back and neck are breathing life back into my body again!
I felt so relieved that I recommended my wife to come in and now she is getting better too!
Nobody has to learn to live with pain. I will gladly recommend to anybody who is feeling pain, to come to Dr. Boyd and experience his healing program. I am a living testimony to its success.
Thanks to Dr. Boyd, I do not suffer from pain and depression anymore. I am a very happy man.